Neon Liquid Timer


These colourful neon liquid timers are wonderful to watch!!

Watch the neon green liquid ooze drip down in a zig zag pattern, then flip it over and watch the blue gel drip down to spin the wheel.

It creates a wonderful effect, with so many things moving and dripping so it'll keep your attention!  




These colourful neon liquid timers are wonderful to watch!!
Watch the neon green liquid ooze drip down in a zig zag pattern, then flip it over and watch the blue gel drip down to spin the wheel.
It creates a wonderful effect, with so many things moving and dripping so it'll keep your attention!  
The images may make the timer look much bigger than it is, so please note that it is 14cm high, about the size of your hand.  So they are perfect for little hands to carry around, or to take away with you too!  
Not suitable for children under 3 years. 
5(L) x 4(W) x 12(H) cm

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